Tag Archives: Fruit Diet

My Fruit Thing: An Interview


This year I’ve been so inspired by my fruitarian friends on Facebook that I’ve decided to give it try at least for two meals per day… I’m not up to an all day on fruits yet, but I would like to give it a shot for more than just part of the day, so I decided to interview one of the people who has inspired me. Meet my friend Joanne.


1. What made you decide to become a fruitarian?   Who inspired you?

I made the decision to go become a fruitarian in October of 2018. A few years ago I had a thyroid ultrasound due to some very low TSH ( Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) levels that I had for a while now, but all of my other levels checked out normal. I agreed to an ultrasound just to check on my thyroids physical condition. I already felt like there was something because of the enlargement I was experiencing on the right side. The ultrasound showed three nodules, two on the left and a big one on the right. This was concerning, but apparently not enough to decide to change my diet, and lifestyle. I also had been suffering with chronic candida, and bacterial issues in the urinary tract. Also unfortunately extreme sadness and depression, which made doing something about my health very difficult. Digestive issues, acid re-flux, gas and bloating was also something that I have always had to deal with pretty much my whole life. After that first ultrasound I agreed to a biopsy of the big nodule. The biopsy showed no evidence of cancer cells, thankfully.

Some time past, and I was working as much as I knew how on some of these health issues, but not changing my diet much. In September of 2018 I went to the doctor who ordered another ultrasound, that showed that the big nodule was actually bigger! She wanted to do another biopsy, but I declined. I didn’t feel it was necessary because after this I was determined to get rid of it naturally. I also felt that the biopsy may have contributed to the new growth of the nodule. I have always dabbled in the study of holistic health, but not to the extent that I would have liked. I do believe that anything is curable, and that anything is possible. After this I was a little more worried since there had been growth and change with the nodule. I went online and started researching ways to heal of the nodules naturally. This of course led me to You Tube and eventually to a man called Dr. Robert Morse. I liked what he was saying and it seemed pretty common sense to me. It also complimented a lot of what I already knew about holistic health. I began watching his videos and jumped right in on his recommendations of a raw vegan fruitarian diet for detoxification and the regeneration of cells. I also bought his book so that I could further my studies in holistic health. I started cutting out everything, but fruits, berries and melons from my diet. I also starting working with herbs to support my body systems. As far as someone who inspired me I would have to say Robert Morse because I had never heard anyone teach what he does. Then I began watching Texas Fruitarian and she is also very inspiring. 

Indeed, she is! I love Rebecca’s story as well and will add some links at the end of this for my readers. Here’s a photo of my own “Harvest” that I brought home one day from the store…

My Fruit Purchase

2. How long have you been eating this way and what results have you seen? 

It has been about nine months since I started this diet plan. The first thing I noticed was my stomach issues starting to clear up. As long as I stayed on fruits there was no acid, and the gas and bloating got so much better. Before doing this my abdomen was hard, and protruded out, I looked pregnant all the time! As my digestion improved on fruits so did the acid, gas and bloating. I also lost about 30 lbs in my first six months of staring this. Currently I am 40 lbs down, and this was much needed. I do feel a lot better, lighter and positive about going further. As for the nodules it’s going to take some time because this will require much more work on my lymphatic system and thyroid supporting herbs. 

Wow! That’s fantastic results, Joanne! So inspiring!

3. What does your family and friends think about this? Have you inspired anyone to join you?

My family has always been pretty supportive of everything that I have done even when they disagreed with it. They do see this as extreme and tend to worry about my health. But I try to ensure them that I am learning a lot and do know what I am doing. They of course, as most people do, have a hard time with it because it is so contrary to everything we have been told in schools regarding diet. They also tend to look at it on a superficial level, like this is an extreme way to lose weight. I feel that most people have a hard time understanding how changing our diet, and lifestyle can cause the elimination of illness. On several occasions people have commented on my weight loss and say, “please don’t lose more weight!” I usually tell them that I am not doing this to necessarily lose weight but to heal my body and obtain optimal health. They usually get confused and stop talking about it at that point. lol! I have also had people tell me that I will die if I do this long term, and that it’s basically a form of anorexia. But, I eat more food per pound now than I ever have in my life. The difference is the quality has changed. My personal friends, however, are very supportive, and want to know more. They are more open to change. I like to think I am inspiring everyone to eat more fresh raw fruits, and vegetables at the very least. I think that I am 🙂 I have been trying to help through consulting anyone who is willing to get started. When I get my certification in detoxification, and regeneration then I will look to take on more clients. I do want to inspire people to take their health into their own hands, and obtain freedom from illness. 

4. What recommendations do you have for someone who’s thinking of going fruitarian?

I always recommend that you start slowly at first. Begin by eliminating animal products from the diet, and including more fresh raw fruits, and vegetables. The more fruits, berries and melons you consume in a day the faster your detox is going to be. After that begin to eliminate the cooked foods from your diet, limiting grains, beans and legumes. Raw almonds or sunflower seeds are good for beginners, and will help with some of those cravings. But, eventually you will want to be eating primarily fruits, berries, and melons. The more the better for the elimination of your illness. Never stop learning and educating yourself. Also, bananas are a staple food. And bananas are great for beginners because they are usually affordable and found in any store. This is a low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate diet. So, it is contrary to anything your doctor may tell you is good for you. I always recommend that people watch Robert Morse for more information. People can also find me online, and on social media for more information. Remember that what you are currently doing isn’t working or you would be getting healthier not sicker. 

That is excellent advice, Joanne! Yes, if we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’ll never get any new results. One last question before you go:

5. What do you typically eat in a day? 

I primarily eat fruit all day long, from fresh whole sources. I do eat seasonally to ensure the best quality, and nutrient rich product possible. Especially if it’s locally grown! I tend to have one mason jar full of smoothie a day if I have enough fruit on hand. But, I prefer not to mix my fruits and will go for mono meals of one kind of fruit at a time. These days being mid summer in California, I am eating mostly watermelon grown right here in state. But, in the winter is was mostly citrus fruits, plus bananas, mango, and what was affordable at the time. We also have many established fruit trees at my house thanks to my dad, and I get to eat lots of fresh picked seasonal fruits too. 


“This is a mason jar smoothie meal, made with frozen mixed berries bananas, peach and orange juice.”

Thank you so much for sharing your story and all of this helpful information, Joanne! I appreciate it so much! I am sure my readers will too. Below are some links to further inspire you. Joanne’s link is the first one:


Fruitarian for over 50 years! Hear what she has to say about it. https://youtu.be/FCwGlT9uY0M

Check out Texas Fruitarian, our friend Rebecca Rosenberg, on YouTube!